The Best Ways to Manage Your Calendar as an Event Planner

27 Nov 2023

As an event planner, it's essential to stay on top of your calendar and be able to successfully manage your schedule. Being organized is key to success when it comes to event planning, and in this blog post, we'll discuss some of the best techniques and strategies for managing your calendar and getting the most out of your event planning process.

Utilizing Event Management Software

Event management software is a great resource for keeping track of the details of your events. It can help you organize your calendar, manage tasks, and even track payments. By taking advantage of event management software, you can easily access all the information related to your event planning and make sure everything runs smoothly.

Creating a Filing System

Creating a filing system is a great way to organize upcoming events and important documents. You can set up folders for each event and keep important documents in one place. This will help you stay organized and have easy access to the information you need.

Implementing a Colour-Coded System

Using a colour-coding system can be a great way to categorize events and tasks. By using different colours for different tasks and events, you can quickly see which tasks you need to focus on and which ones you can leave for later.

Setting Up Automatic Reminders

Setting up automatic reminders can help you stay on top of tasks and events. You can set up email reminders or use project management tools to make sure you don't miss any important deadlines. This will help you stay organized and avoid any stressful last-minute scrambling.

Setting Clear Deadlines

When planning an event, it's important to set clear deadlines for yourself and your team. This will help you stay on track and ensure that tasks are completed on time. It's also important to take into account any external deadlines, such as venue rental agreements or catering contracts. Setting these deadlines in advance will help your event planning process stay organized and efficient.

Automating Repetitive Tasks

Event planning can be time-consuming, so it's important to automate whatever tasks you can. Automating tasks can include setting up email reminders, creating templates for tasks, and using project management tools to track progress. By automating these tasks, you can save time, reduce stress, and stay organized.


Managing your calendar as an event planner can be a daunting task. However, by utilizing event management software, setting clear deadlines, and automating repetitive tasks, you can make sure your event planning process is efficient and successful.