10 Tips for Onboarding New Event Planning Clients

27 Nov 2023

As an event planner, onboarding a new client can be a challenging process. With the right tips and guidance, however, you can make the process more effective and efficient. In this blog post, we will provide 10 tips to help make the onboarding process more effective and efficient.

Establish Goals

When onboarding a new client, it is important to establish the client’s goals for the event. Having a clear understanding of what the client wants to achieve can ensure that the planner is able to meet the client’s needs and expectations. It can also help the planner create a plan that is tailored to the client’s needs.

Ask the Right Questions

The onboarding process should also include asking the right questions to get the necessary information needed to plan the event. Questions should cover topics such as budget, timeline, desired outcome, and any special requirements. Having this information up front can help the planner create a plan that meets the client’s needs.

Set Expectations

It is important to set expectations with the client from the start. This should include outlining the services the planner is offering, setting deadlines, and explaining the process for making changes or adjustments. Setting expectations up front can ensure that the client is aware of what to expect throughout the planning process.

Gather Resources

The onboarding process should also include gathering resources for the event. This could involve researching potential venues, vendors, and any other resources needed to plan the event. Gathering these resources in advance can ensure that the planner has the necessary materials to plan the event.

Create a Timeline

Creating a timeline for the event is also an important part of the onboarding process. This should include deadlines for tasks such as booking vendors and finalizing details. Having a timeline can help the planner stay on track and ensure that all tasks are completed on time.

Develop a Budget

Developing a budget should also be part of the onboarding process. This should include any expenses associated with the event such as venue rental fees and catering costs. Having a budget can help the planner stay within the client’s budget and ensure that all expenses are taken into account.

Prepare a Plan

Once the client’s goals and expectations have been established, it is important to prepare a plan for the event. This should include a list of tasks that need to be completed and a timeline for when they should be completed. Having a plan can help the planner stay organized and ensure that all tasks are completed in a timely manner.

Create a Checklist

Creating a checklist of tasks that need to be completed can help ensure that nothing is overlooked. This should include tasks such as booking vendors and creating a timeline. Having a checklist can help the planner stay organized and ensure that all tasks are completed on time.

Monitor Progress

During the onboarding process, it is important to monitor progress to ensure that the event is on track. This should involve regularly checking in with the client and making any necessary adjustments. Monitoring progress can help the planner stay on top of any issues that may arise and ensure that the event stays on track.

Follow Up

Finally, it is important to follow up with the client after the event. This should involve asking for feedback and making sure that the client’s needs and expectations were met. Following up with the client can help ensure that their needs were met and that the event was a success.


Onboarding a new event planning client can be a challenging process. However, by following these 10 tips, the process can be made more effective and efficient. Taking the time to properly onboard a new client can help ensure that the event is a success and that the client’s needs and expectations are met.